I was in the theater this morning assisting while our resident surgeon tore open a woman's innards to deliver her lifeless baby when there was a knock on the door.
"Who's that?!" the surgeon shouted with more than a little exasperation in his voice (the procedure was quite difficult).
"Dr. Malu" came the answer, in an all too familiar voice.
I dropped everything and ran to the door like a four-year old, screaming "Daddy!!!" and hugged him, bloody coveralls and all. I was so excited! Pops had come to
pay me a surprise visit in my village in Takai, Kano where I'm serving.
It was a short visit but the 30 or so minutes of it were more than worthwhile. I showed him around the grounds of the hospital while we discussed everything from university politics to world cup semifinals. It was just great.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, as I watched him drive off I remembered the last chorus of that song by Whitney Houston, "You Were Loved"
You were loved by someone, touched by someone,
Held by someone, meant something to someone,
Loved somebody,
Touched somebody's heart along the way,
You can look back and say
You did okay -
You were loved
Well folks, I have no doubt about it, I'm doing quite okay to have such a dad who'd cover the miles from Abuja to a remote part of Kano to spend 30 minutes with his son. I just had to appreciate him and my God.
And I'm still learning a whole lot from him - showing love.
Here's to the world's greatest dad!!!
And for you, in the words of the Diva,
So remember to tell that special one
You are loved.
With love, Doosuur.