Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why did the cow cross the road?

I was driving from Kano to Takai yesterday when I was stopped in my tracks by a trio of cows crossing the road. They seemed unperturbed as they lumbered across the road. They had no regard for this contraption of metal and rubber hurtling toward them at 100kph. They just cast me a disdainful glance and continued their leisurely stroll across as if they had not a care in the world! What interested me more was that they crossed diagonally, taking the longer route across.

Why do they always do that? Why don't they care? Is it because they're stupid? Yes, I think so. They're just plain stupid. But then, why? As I thought about it a bit more I came to understand that they're stupid to me because they think differently from they way I would think. To them my car is nothing more than something to look at. The road is nothing more than something to walk on. Their paradigm consists in grass and more grass and if there's more to be had across the road, well that's where they're heading. Quite simply, they have a different way of looking at things.

It reminds me of the scripture that says "do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). The pattern of this world has to do with the world's way of looking at things. God calls us to a paradigm shift - to look at things differently.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus says of children, "the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these"? I guess it's because they do not think as adults do. They trust implicitly regardless of all apparent evidence to the contrary. They view things differently. Jesus said, "unless you become like little children, you cannot inherit the kingdom of God."

The way of thinking that we're called to as Christians is to think Christ, Christ and more Christ. So we can be forgiven if our concept of pleasure lies not in immorality but in worship. If we're successful not in terms of wealth but in terms of souls. If we're great only when we serve. It's a whole new system of thinking; a new perspective on life.

No wonder they call us stupid. That's what you called the cow.

Love you all.


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