Saturday, January 27, 2007

Season's Change

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8

It's all happening so fast: The haze and chill are going and it's getting hot and dry again. The birds wake up early to sing their songs of joy and hope as the cold-blooded lizards are quickly dethroned by the warm-blooded rats. The mosquitoes return from their annual leave to give me perhaps the worst episode of malaria of my adult life.

These are all signs of one thing - Season's change. Yes, the Harmattan is on its way out as the Hot Season takes its place. The sun is already hot and blazing here in Kano and I'm so grateful that I don't have to endure it for much longer. You see, these events coincide with the end of my service year and I'm so grateful for the experience and that God has brought me this far. So, here I stand at yet another milestone in life. You know the thing about milestones - on the one side they tell how far you've come while on the other side they warn that there's still some distance to go.

You know the saying, "Change is the only constant thing in life." How true. It's sad to see some of my friends one last time and realize that I may never see them again. It's just the nature of our lives - you can be sure that a few years from now you will be in significantly different circumstances from where you are now. It may have to do with your career, your studies, your relationships, whatever, but it will be different. How do we deal with change? I wonder.

First, God doesn't change and because of that He's a steady anchor. He says it quite clearly in Malachi 3:6, "I am the Lord and I do not change." Our periods of change will definitely bring about feelings of insecurity and uncertainty but it's good to be able to hold onto something, or Someone, as steady and sure as God. He doesn't change and He is very able to help us through these periods.

Secondly, we must embrace change as a necessary part of our lives. Without change we couldn't grow and mature. Our experience would be severely limited making us less effective wherever we find ourselves. So with each new experience learn what you can and enjoy it for what it's worth.

Finally, as with each new season the year brings, there are joys and sorrows that come with every new phase of our lives, but then we can be sure that nothing lasts and the next season is on its way.

With love, Doosuur.

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