We must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Acts 20:35
Rain, Rain, go away, come again another day.
That's exactly how I felt this afternoon as I stood on the hospital walkway, staring at the gloomy skies and sodden earth, listening to the rain pitter-patter on the tin canopy. I was tired, hungry and more than a little miffed. The driver had gone for his Friday prayers and, while waiting for him, it had begun to rain. And the rain refused to let up. A full one-and-a-half hours it poured, perhaps more rain than Gumel has experienced so far this year.
So I just stood there, knotted brow and all, my hands folded in annoyance across my chest, staring into space and wondering what in the world I was going to do. I was a full two hours drive away from my destination and the day was wearing on minute after slow minute. It had been a very busy day and all I wanted was a hot meal and a cold shower.
I was in such a huff I hardly noticed the sick young boy, bundled up in a wrapper, lying on the bench on the causeway right next to me. His middle-aged mother tried to help him up and I thought she was going to take him back into the ward but when he finally managed to stand up she turned towards me and asked me to have a seat. I was amazed! Why would she put her sick son to such trouble just to make me feel comfortable? Had she somehow noticed my frustration or was she just being nice and respectful. My face broke into a smile and I could feel my heart thaw as warmth flooded over me. I politely declined her offer and as I walked away I couldn't help blessing her for her kindness.
All of a sudden I felt like inconsiderate Jonah outside of Nineveh, unhappy at God's gift of kindness (this time in the form of rain) just because it put me at some discomfort. And here was an aging woman and her sick son shaming me by their selflessness. Both of them were weaker than me but they chose to serve me by making me comfortable. What's more, I believe they would have done the same thing any day of the week to just about anyone. What blessedness!
For all their kindness, I could not think another unkind thought all day, so long as I remembered them. And now I'm indebted. I must find someone else to infect with this kindness. The contented smile on their face told me that they were more blessed when they gave to me than I could ever be by receiving their gift. Yes, they got the better deal!
With love, Doosuur.
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